John Winston
2011-02-04 16:34:33 UTC
Subject: R. Boylan Was On Coasttocoastam Last Night.
Feb. 4, 2011.
Last night Richard Boylan was on the coasttocoast radio talk show
and he was asked his opinion of the photos that had been taken
of the light that was seen recently over Jeusalem. He said that it
was a holgraphic projection that was made by the c-bal to make
it look like the flying saucers were invading us.
Here is more about Mr. Boylan.
Dr. Richard J. Boylan -
Guests - Coast to Coast AM
"Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after d-ath and
other unexplained phenomena. Overnight talk radio with daytime
"coast to coast am, radio, ufos, creatures, extraterrestrial, supernatural,
myths, legends, monsters, space, universe, science, mystery, sci-fi,
george noory, ian punnett, george knapp, art bell, somewhere in time"
Dr. Richard J. Boylan
Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist,
University associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical
hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. Dr. Boylan is a
consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand their
origin, identity and mission, so as to attain optimal awareness and
clarity of identity, inner growth, spiritual development, and future
His career has spanned four decades of service as a psychologist,
social worker, hypnotherapist, clergyman (retired), educator, and space
Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University,
Sacramento, University of California, Davis and several other
Universities. Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into
human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current
focus, creation of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, and working with these
hybrid children with advanced abilities and their families.
He has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences,
the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference, and the 1995 Cosmic
Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC. He is author of
three books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, Labored Journey to the
Stars, and Project Epiphany.
Dr. Boylan is President of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, a non-profit
educational and training program for young and mature Star Seeds. He is
also President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists
(ACCET) Inc., a nonprofit educational and research organization. He has
conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals on the
specialized counseling for experiencers of Star Visitor contact.
Past Shows:
"Visitors from Altimar"
Visitors from Altimar
Monday March 31, 2008
Joining the show during the last two hours, was Dr. Richard Boylan,
an anthropologist specializing in the 'star visitor' phenomenon and 'Star
Seed' children. He shared his announcement that 12 environmental
scientists from the planet Altimar arrived in January to help deal with
Earth's environmental crisis. According to Boylan, the delegation
traveled from their planet Altimar which orbits a red dwarf star some
6-7 light years from us, and landed at a location in North America.
Boylan said he was at the landing site when the ship arrived in
"cloaked" form, though he could see the "energy" of their vehicle. The
beings are humanoid, but have larger heads and eyes and diminutive
noses and ears. They had some human genetics spliced in to allow
them to adapt to life here, he added. ...
"Star Children"
Star Children
Sunday January 11, 2004
Dr. Richard Boylan, an expert in the alien abduction syndrome, discussed
"Star Children" and the hybrid phenomenon. ...
Host: Art Bell
John Winston. ***
Feb. 4, 2011.
Last night Richard Boylan was on the coasttocoast radio talk show
and he was asked his opinion of the photos that had been taken
of the light that was seen recently over Jeusalem. He said that it
was a holgraphic projection that was made by the c-bal to make
it look like the flying saucers were invading us.
Here is more about Mr. Boylan.
Dr. Richard J. Boylan -
Guests - Coast to Coast AM
"Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after d-ath and
other unexplained phenomena. Overnight talk radio with daytime
"coast to coast am, radio, ufos, creatures, extraterrestrial, supernatural,
myths, legends, monsters, space, universe, science, mystery, sci-fi,
george noory, ian punnett, george knapp, art bell, somewhere in time"
Dr. Richard J. Boylan
Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist,
University associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical
hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. Dr. Boylan is a
consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand their
origin, identity and mission, so as to attain optimal awareness and
clarity of identity, inner growth, spiritual development, and future
His career has spanned four decades of service as a psychologist,
social worker, hypnotherapist, clergyman (retired), educator, and space
Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University,
Sacramento, University of California, Davis and several other
Universities. Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into
human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current
focus, creation of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, and working with these
hybrid children with advanced abilities and their families.
He has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences,
the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference, and the 1995 Cosmic
Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC. He is author of
three books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, Labored Journey to the
Stars, and Project Epiphany.
Dr. Boylan is President of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, a non-profit
educational and training program for young and mature Star Seeds. He is
also President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists
(ACCET) Inc., a nonprofit educational and research organization. He has
conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals on the
specialized counseling for experiencers of Star Visitor contact.
Past Shows:
"Visitors from Altimar"
Visitors from Altimar
Monday March 31, 2008
Joining the show during the last two hours, was Dr. Richard Boylan,
an anthropologist specializing in the 'star visitor' phenomenon and 'Star
Seed' children. He shared his announcement that 12 environmental
scientists from the planet Altimar arrived in January to help deal with
Earth's environmental crisis. According to Boylan, the delegation
traveled from their planet Altimar which orbits a red dwarf star some
6-7 light years from us, and landed at a location in North America.
Boylan said he was at the landing site when the ship arrived in
"cloaked" form, though he could see the "energy" of their vehicle. The
beings are humanoid, but have larger heads and eyes and diminutive
noses and ears. They had some human genetics spliced in to allow
them to adapt to life here, he added. ...
"Star Children"
Star Children
Sunday January 11, 2004
Dr. Richard Boylan, an expert in the alien abduction syndrome, discussed
"Star Children" and the hybrid phenomenon. ...
Host: Art Bell
John Winston. ***